[single] Patience - Take That

I'm sure a lot of girls were willing to fling their panties to them. Back in the 1990's that is.
After disbanding for 10 years, Take That decided to reform to make a glorious comeback (after figuring out that their solo careers aren't going to take off anytime soon). Funny thing is, the decided to make themselves ugly so that they can prove to the critics that they are a credible band and no longer a BOY band. So now, they look like Kings Of Leon.
Anyhoo, "Patience" delivers as a good comeback single. Catchy but not cheesy, mellow but not tear-inducing. In fact, the song sounds a bit glorious. Well, it should be since this song topped the UK singles chart for about 3 weeks now.
Now let's see how well their 2nd single will do.
Rating: 4/5
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